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Brisa 8N1 Air Purifier

Original price was: $399.00.Current price is: $245.00.

The Most Complete Portable Air Purifier for Home & Office. 8 Filtration systems in one machine!

Filters Physical Pollution
Such as: Pollen, Dust, PM2.5, Smoke

Resolves Chemical Pollution
Such as: Formaldehyde, Benzene, Toluene, TVOC

Kills Biological Contamination
Such as: Bacteria, Germs, Mold, Fungus, mites


5/5 - (6 votes)

We spend up to 90% of our lives ” indoors”.
At least  1 in 4 adults and children suffer from respiratory allergies.
Nearly 500 million people have a chronic respiratory condition.
Whether we are at home or at work, we breathe the air that other people pass through their lungs!

This air contains:
Physical pollutants, Chemical Pollutions and Biological Contaminations.
Physical pollutions consist of dust, plant pollen, human hair, animal fur, textile and paper fibres, dirt and minerals from outdoor soil.
By the way, up to 50% of indoor dust is made up of dead skin cells.

Examples of Chemical Pollutions could be Formaldehyde, Benzene, Toluene, Smoke and TVOC , which are the organic chemical compounds. All the different indoor smells have chemical sources, such as the paint on the walls, floors and furniture, and could effect your overall health.
Most people in order to get rid of inside odours, create other stronger chemical odours to mask them such as using incents and candles which can cause more harm.

Biological Contaminations are Bacteria, Germs, Mold, Fungus and mites.
There are not many air purification systems out there which are easy and affordable for eliminating all these pollutants. Most have only one or two types of filters in them.

Our multi-stage air purification system can do all that  and get rid of over 99% of them in your home or office!

It Filters Physical Pollution,
Such as: Pollen, Dust, PM2.5, Smoke.
Resolves Chemical Pollution,
Such as: Formaldehyde, Benzene, Toluene, TVOC
Kills Biological Contamination,
Such as: Bacteria, Germs, Mold, Fungus, mites

8 Stages of Air Purification:

1- Primary Washable Filter
Filters large particles.
2- Cold Catalyst Filter
Catalyzes formaldehyde, Benzene, TVOC
3- Cellular-Activated Carbon Filter
Rapid absorption of odors, decomposition of Formaldehyde, Benzene, Ammonia, Smoke, etc.
4- Copper Silver Ion
Disinfects, kills viruses
5- Anti-Bacterial filter
Removes fine particles, Mites, Microbes, Bacteria
6- High Efficiency HEPA Filter
Eliminates Mold, Dust, Allergens and Bacteria
7- Ultraviolet Sterilize Light
Kills Viruses and Bacteria
8- Anion (Negative Ion) Purification
Improves air quality by attaching to floating particles in the air, makes them sticky and heavy


CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate):
95 CFM ( 160 m3/h)
Applicable Area: 
120-240 SF (11-22 m20)
Rated Power: 
Net Weight: 
10.5 Lbs. (4.8 KG)
13″ x 7″ x 19.7″ ( 33 X 18 X 50 CM)
Anion concentration: 
20 Mill/CM3
Noise Level (Low): 
20.4 dB (A)

Additional information

Weight 11 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 15 × 22 in